Service sheet for 2nd August

The Christian Community of St Giles-on-the-Hill

welcomes you to worship with them on

Sunday 2nd August 2015

9th Sunday after Trinity

Jesus is the bread of life. We meet to receive that bread, that life, praying that the Lord will feed us always and prepare us for the life we live for God.

Today’s Mass includes the ministry of healing, with the anointing of oil. If you wish to receive healing for yourself or for a loved one, please go and sit in the Lady Chapel after communion. Revd Gillian Ireson will be assisting with this ministry today.

Fr Darren is currently away on holiday. Thanks to Fr Peter Varney, who is the President and Preacher at Mass today.

10.30am Sung Eucharist The service is set out in the white service booklet. The collect and readings are to be found overleaf. The hymns are from the Celebration Hymnal.

Introit Hymn 43 And can it be

Psalm 78

Gospel acclamation Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Cantors We do not live by bread alone;
But by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Priest Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John

All Glory to you, O Lord

Gospel John 6:24-35

Priest This is the gospel of the Lord

All Praise to you, O Christ

Offertory Hymn 773 We celebrate this festive day

Communion Hymn 367 Like a mighty river flowing

Recessional hymn 488 Mine eyes have seen the glory

Organ Voluntary Stanley – Trumpet Voluntary

Next Sunday’s readings: 1 Kings 19:4-8; Psalm 34:1-8; Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:35, 41-51

Norwich East Deanery Prayer Calendar St Stephen’s. Clergy: Madeline Light, Matthew Hutton. Readers: Peter Carroll, Anne Murphy. Synod Reps: David Mason, Sally Clarke, Sarah Mintey.

PA to The Bishop & Archdeacon: Coralie Nichols; CMD Norwich East Link: Arnold Browne

2015 Church motto text “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 (King James Bible)

Rector and Rural Dean of Norwich East Fr. Darren Thornton (01603 623724) (email term-time only) – Part-time – also Chaplain at UEA – day off on Monday

Churchwardens Rowena Atkinson (01603 455729) and Bob Emsell (01603 439632)

Newsletter Kate Baldry (01362 695503) – Twitter @stgilesnorwich Music Reproduction Licence no.990580


Sidespersons Dorothy and Rodney Head

Readers 1st Raymond Scott 2nd Annie Blyth

Intercessions Bev Williams Chalice Carole Hill

Servers Jonny and Lindsey Green

Churchwarden Bob Emsell Organist Ian Graydon


Tuesday 4 August 12 noon Said Mass President: Revd Maggie Diffey

Jean-Baptiste Vianney, 1859

Thursday 6 August The Transfiguration of Our Lord
5 pm Meditation in the Prayer room – enter via priest’s door from 4.50

Friday 7 August 10.00am Said Mass

7.30pm Film Club – see the railings outside St Giles for details.

Sunday 9 August Trinity 10 10.30am Sung Parish Mass


• We welcome any newcomers today. Do make yourself known to the priest or the churchwardens.

• Our monthly Traidcraft Stall is today; please do support this new venture.

• Fr Darren is away on holiday (Tuesday 28 July to Thursday 6 August). A big thank you to all who are providing cover.

• A big thank you to all who kept the church open for the Upper St Giles/Lanes Street Fair on 5th July. We raised £89.00 for Church Funds, which is excellent.

• An important first step in making ourselves known in West Pottergate, the Bring and Buy sale at the Rectory on 18th July, was a great success. Blessed with perfect weather, we had about 100 people wandering through in total, and everyone had a lovely day. The bric-a-brac and craft stall raised £50 for church funds. A huge thank you to everyone on the planning committee, those who pulled out all the stops on the day, and to the local businesses who attended. It made us very proud to be part of the St Giles family – Tracy and Bev.

• On Sunday 16th August we are keeping the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We welcome back the St Giles Singers. The Mass setting is Mozart’s Coronation Mass, with a Choral introit: R R Terry – Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother, and Communion anthem: Elgar – Ave Maria.

• Would any PCC members and partners who are planning to come on the Deanery Weekend away to Ditchingham next year please remember to pay your deposit to guarantee your rooms. Places are going fast, and it’s first come, first served. Don’t miss out on this exciting weekend.

• The St Giles Fete is on Saturday 29th August. We urgently need people to help man the stalls, especially the Raffle, and to relieve at odd times on the other stalls. If you could only manage a couple of hours at a time that would be great. Jewellery, Raffle prizes, good Bric-a-brac, and Cakes, Jams etc, or donations towards ingredients would be much appreciated. Many thanks – Elsie.

• Our August charity is the Church Urban Fund. Do have a look at the charity notice board for further details. You can make a personal donation in the box on the table by the charity display or pass it to the Treasurer. Please Gift Aid if possible!

Diocesan Synod Elections for 2015 – 2018. Those elected for our Deanery are Revd Madeline Light, Revd Martin Young, Revd Canon Barry Oake, Revd Helen Rengert, Dr Keith Tovey, Bridgid Everitt and Russell Herring. Please pray for them as they take on this role.

• Photos of the recent pilgrimage to St Gilles Abbey in Provence can be found on the parish website. Go to and click on the ‘Pilgrimage’ link on the right hand side

• The next opportunity for confirmation is on Saturday 7 November in Norwich Cathedral at 11am. If you haven’t been confirmed and are interested then please do have a chat with the Rector who will be leading confirmation classes this autumn.

• Cards depicting the Royal coat of arms (which is above the porch) are on sale at the back of church for £1.50 each. Our thanks to David Cole for producing these beautiful cards.

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